The sales script begins with the salespeople talking about Kombispel’s latest campaign and promising to hand out 4.5 million every Friday with over 80,000 winnings.
“I called here with some good news for those of you who live in, among other things, (city) because is it true that you still live there? (wait for reply). Great, then we hope that it is in (city) that the big win ends up, right?”
The seller then tells the customer that a lottery ticket normally costs SEK 200 each, but that they can now offer the customer two tickets for SEK 99.
“Today on XXXX (DAY-MONTH-YEAR) we have agreed that you want to buy 2 lottery tickets in the Kombi game. Is this OK? (wait for response)”.
The customer must then provide information such as telephone number, address and social security number.
“The customer should preferably provide their information themselves, but you can read them out if the customer cannot/does not want to provide them themselves”.
The seller must also inform the customer that the beneficiaries are SAP (Sweden’s Social Democratic Workers’ Party) and SSU (Sweden’s Social Democratic Youth Union).
The customer is then informed about the premises of the purchase.
“You do not commit to buying more than one lottery ticket at a time, but will continue to receive two new lottery tickets with new winning opportunities every month for SEK 200 each + SEK 25 in invoicing fee. But as I said, you can contact customer service at any time, and they will remove you as a subscriber, are you on board? (wait for clear Yes from customer)
Finally, the seller asks if the customer is over 18 and asks them to provide their email address, and then asks if the customer agrees to the terms.
“Do you agree to the terms we just went over? (wait for clear YES from customer). Then I have so much to thank for me, my name is ____ and I wish you the best of luck!”.