Authorities have urged people not to drive in the Uppsala area due to very difficult weather conditions.
On Saturday, two chain collisions took place in the Uppsala area in Eastern Sweden, with dozens of vehicles involved. More than a hundred people needed hospitalization after accidents, authorities say. Two injured in Kolari are best in intensive care.
There was a strong snowstorm in the area and the roads were very slippery.
Inter alia Svt Has posted a video of dozens of cars involved in the crash. Dagens nyheter The picture published shows cars involved in a chain collision that have suffered significant damage.
Accidents took place on E4 and E18 roads. On the E18 road alone, an estimated 95 cars were involved, says SVT.
Authorities have urged people not to drive in the Uppsala area due to very difficult weather conditions.
Accidents temporarily loaded the area’s health care system due to the large number of injured. However, by the evening, the situation had calmed down, said the local health authority.
Source: AFP
The news is updated.