The Snow Queen blows a wind of poetry on the Comédie Française

The Snow Queen blows a wind of poetry on the

On the stage of the Vieux-Colombier theater of the Comédie Française, Johanna Boyé and Elisabeth Ventura adapt for the first time ” The Snow Queen, a forgotten story from the famous initiation tale by Hans Christian Andersen. A real show, burlesque, poetic and lyrical for young and old. A vision which also moves away from that of Disney and which plunges the spectators into the magic of Lappish legends and the magic of the theatre.

Last night, when the temperatures were dropping and Météo-France was almost announcing the white apocalypse, the idea of ​​seeing our guests arrive in a large white coat was a nice wink. And then nothing, nada. Anyway, the Snow Queen got us. Unless she finally held back to let our guests join us without a slide or snowdrift?

In any case, they are there: the young Adrian Simion and Lea Lopezalias Kay and Gerda, these young children at the heart of Hans Christian Andersen’s initiatory tale. Jerome Pouly, who plays no less than 6 colorful characters, including a Great Volcanic Troll, a wise and philosophical Reindeer, and a talkative and twirling Crow. And Johanna Boyewhich adapts and stages this show, burlesque and poetic, lyrical and magical.

The Snow Queen, a forgotten story is to be discovered until January 8, 2023 on the stage of the Théâtre du Vieux Colombier in Paris.

Reportage : In Vienna, Austria, isaure hiace was interested in one of the oldest boys’ choirs in the world, which is also one of the most prestigious: the Wiener Sängerknaben, the “Little singers of Vienna” in French. They give 300 concerts a year and will participate, next January 1, in the prestigious New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
