The smiling silo cheek became a tired middle-aged man – almost a year of war changed Zelenskyi’s essence

The smiling silo cheek became a tired middle aged man

Ukraine has been at war for almost 10 months. President Zelenskyi has managed to encourage his people every day, but the exhaustion is visible.

Riikka Kajander,

Katriina Töyrylä

On Christmas Eve, it will be exactly ten months since Russia invaded Ukraine.

The photos show how months of constant stress from the war have affected the president to Volodymyr Zelensky.

In photos taken before the war, Zelenskyi, 44, looks almost like a sallow-cheeked youth. In this autumn’s pictures, the furrows on his face have deepened, and a constant worry has entered his eyes.

Director of occupational well-being and dissertation on the occupational well-being of managers Annemaija Summanen says that he worriedly followed the situation of the Ukrainian president during the protracted war of aggression. According to Summanen, the top manager is often alone with his exhaustion.

– The duration of the war, worry and fatigue can be seen in Zelenskyi’s face.

Zelenskyi’s ability to recover during the night worries Summa. He reminds that the president is separated from his family.

– It must be really tight to keep up.

Family would help me cope

Spouse of the President Olena Zelenska said in a BBC interview in May that the family has been separated from the president, who has been leading a defensive war from the country’s capital, Kiev, for security reasons.

The Zelenskys have been together since they were students. The family also includes a 17-year-old daughter Oleksandra and a 9-year-old son Kyrylo.

Before the 2019 elections, Volodymyr Zelenskyi was an actor and TV presenter. His wife was a screenwriter and producer in the couple’s joint Kvartal 95 production company.

Olena Zelenska said in March that, like every Ukrainian woman, she was worried about her spouse’s safety.

– We call every morning and I pray for his life every day, said Olena Zelenska In an interview with People magazine. (you switch to another service)

According to Summanen, despite the pressure, Zelenskyi has been very articulate. Anyone could tell from numerous videos that Zelenskyi’s speeches were strong.

An empowering journey

Volodymyr Zelenskyi will visit the United States in Washington on Wednesday. It is Zelensky’s first visit abroad since Russia launched a war of aggression in Ukraine in February.

According to Annemaija Summanen, the visit can help the president of Ukraine cope.

– He can now get out of the middle of the war. He expects more help from the United States, and that will surely empower him.

Summanen says he believes that the visit will give Zelensky support and resources to cope.

– Each of us has very different endurance limits. Others tolerate pressure better. Zelensky’s ability to withstand pressure is tough.

During a difficult year, Zelenskyi’s background as a performer has certainly been an advantage in communication, according to Summanen.

– But what is the other side and the emotional state in the background, we can’t know that.

What thoughts does the article evoke? You can discuss the topic until Thursday at 11 p.m.

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