The “smiley” piercing does not make orthodontists laugh

The smiley piercing does not make orthodontists laugh

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    The discreet “smiley” piercing of the lip brake is experiencing a real craze. A phenomenon that worries orthodontists as the dental damage can be significant. The point with Dr Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, orthodontist.

    It’s a funny piercing, which is only seen when you smile. The smiley piercing, also known as the frenulum piercing or frenulum piercing, is a piercing performed on the frenulum of the upper lip. A fun piece of jewelry on paper, but one that is nonetheless harmless to teeth and gums.

    Tooth loosening and infections

    If the most frequent complications are immediate and follow the installation of the piercing (infectious risks, contact allergy, crack…), the piercing of the frenulum of the lip is at the origin of problems often imperceptible by the wearer because not visible and painless on a daily basis. However, the incessant rubbing of the labret against the teeth or against the gums causes irreparable damage. Thus are described teeth that have lost a section of enamel, dental fractures, gum recession, bone loss up to loosening of the teeth… The risks are real and occur in the short term (inflammation ) or long-term (trauma).

    The French Federation of Orthodontics therefore wishes to warn the population about the dangers of this trendy practice, especially in summer.

    But when should you start worrying? For Dr. Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, orthodontist, observing the evolution of the wound caused by the piercing is essential.

    Indeed, the first warning symptoms, often discreet and not painful, are hardly noticeable:

    “You have to look to see if your piercing comes to rub the gums and the teeth. The majority of people do not see it, but if the gums retract, it is that it is in pain. This is what we called gum recession. On the other hand, if the piercing is well placed and does not traumatize any area, there will be no damage”he says.

    He also adds “that in case of pain and/or if the tooth moves, it is already too late“. In this case, making an appointment with an orthodontist is essential.

    Consult a GP online

    Lip frenulum piercing: the right reflexes to adopt

    To avoid damaging the teeth and the gums, the French Federation of Orthodontics recommends that people wishing to have their teeth drilled contact an orthodontist. Only he can tell you what type of material or clasp to choose (especially for the clasp plate, which is better in plastic).

    The expert will also remind you of the essential rules that must govern this practice (such as the correct positioning of the piercing, the choice of a light material, compliance with contraindications, verification of the sterilization room at the piercer’s… ), in order to avoid dental complications.

    “If you have been pierced, it is also advisable to disinfect the wound well, especially in the beginning, in order to avoid any form of inflammation”warns Dr. Kerbrat.
