“The smartest thing they could do” – German story genius praises Season of Discovery, explains what makes it so good

The Season of Discovery has reached its fourth phase in WoW Classic. The game mode changes the MMORPG and brings new ways to play your own class. In addition, many dungeons have been reworked and can be played as raids. The German pen & paper author Hauke ​​Gerdes is having a lot of fun with it, as he himself says.

Who is the genius?

  • Hauke ​​Gerdes was formerly part of Bonjwa, Kliemannsland and especially Rocket Beans TV, where he is known as the game master of the pen & paper series Morrington Manor, BEARDS and TEARS.
  • Hauke ​​writes many of the rulebooks himself. One of the biggest is probably Ultracore, which has its own MMO, Coreborn. However, Coreborn is not being developed any further; the studio founded for it has been closed.
  • Hauke ​​currently lives in Tokyo, Japan and streams from time to time on his Twitch channel. There he recently talked about the finished Coreborn project and WoW.
  • This is what Hauke ​​says about Season of Discovery: In his chat, Hauke ​​brings up the topic of World of Warcraft. He says that since he has been living in Japan, he hasn’t really been able to find contact with a gaming community.

    Such “communities” become “closed” over the years and it is difficult to get in from outside. Now he has started Season of Discovery on an Australian server and explains what he likes so much about it:

    This is the old World of Warcraft, but with new things built into it. So you play the game from 20 years ago, but with new skills, new content, etc. This changes the balance of the game drastically.

    As a rule, you can say that you are now much, much stronger than you were before. […] The classes are more fun. I think it’s a lot more fun than if you compare it to modern game design, the way classes play. You get moments of success quicker, you level up a bit faster […]

    Hauke ​​in the stream from about 1:11:20

    Here we explain to you what exactly the Season of Discovery actually is.

    What isn’t so good is that some of the old content has been devalued, says the creative mind. At level 60, the pace can be a bit slower. He reached the max level three days ago and completed 15 dungeons straight away, and now he already has his first epic.

    WoW Classic: The devs for the Season of Discovery in an interview

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    “Not what I wanted, but very clever”

    Hauke ​​goes on to say that Season of Discovery is the smartest thing Blizzard could have done with WoW Classic. Both casual players and “sweaty gamers” have opportunities to find something for themselves.

    However, he does not reveal what exactly he wanted in the stream.

    However, Hauke ​​does not accept the accusation that Blizzard simply copied old content. In response to a user’s comment that the dungeons are not new, the author responds:

    I would say that the room of a dungeon can be built in one to seven days […] The mechanics, the bosses and all that are the deciding factors. […] As far as I know, only the map was already there and all the content, all the items, all the boss encounters, all the NPCs in it are new.

    In the end, you play a game because it’s fun and Hauke ​​says clearly: “I enjoy SoD.” Hauke ​​is not alone in this. The Season of Discovery inspires many players who find in the game mode what they miss in modern MMOs: The Season of Discovery finally gives a player back the true MMO feeling of the past
