The smart trick to collect the remaining cream in the tube

The smart trick to collect the remaining cream in the

Can’t reach the bottom of your favorite tube of cream? A new tip, acclaimed by thousands of Internet users, should please you. A few gestures are enough, the proof in video.

How to avoid wasting your cosmetics? If after turning, squeezing and twisting your tube of cream, you still can’t reach the remaining contents, don’t panic! A very ingenious tip will allow you to remedy the problem, and this, in just a few seconds. No, it is not a question of cutting the container to take the material with your finger. Here is the procedure to follow.

The one who calls himself @monsieur_conseils_insta continues to create buzz. The influencer 737,000 subscribers posted a video on March 2, 2024 in which he explains how to collect the remaining cream at the bottom of the tube. The publication immediately appealed to Internet users, as evidenced by the 66,000 likesnotably that of Miss France 2012, Delphine Wespiser. The Instagrammer first explains: “Of course, you can cut the tube and put your finger in it, but it’s not clean, the cream will stay in the open air, it risks drying out and that harms the qualities of the cream.” This is why he recommends a completely different tip. This would involve unscrewing the cap of the tube, then cutting the bottle, just below the neck, with scissors. It then indicates to repeat the operation at the other end, at the weld level. He pursues : “You’re going to take a container […]. You put the tube in, you take the cap and you will insert the cap horizontally, into the tube. You’re going to push the cream with your finger.” Result: the entire product slides into the container. In addition to making savingsyou do a gesture towards the planet. Clever!

What about your makeup products?

Another tip has also proven effective for recovering the makeup remaining at the bottom of your cosmetics. This particularly concerns products with applicators such as glosses, concealers or liquid blushes. Hélène Legastelois, known under the nickname Mon Blog de Fille, revealed the good deal on her TikTok account. It would be enough to remove using a tweezers – and a little patience – the plastic part located inside the neck. Once removed, you will be able, using your applicator, to reach all the edges, which were previously unreachable. Pretty practical, right?
