The size of megalodons depended on the temperature of the water

Megalodons the cooler the water the bigger they were

The megalodon. Millions of years ago, this monster haunted the oceans of the Globe. A kind of giant shark that could reach 20 meters in length. But only in the coolest waters, researchers warn today.

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[EN VIDÉO] The megalodon, this giant superpredator with sharp teeth
About 28 million years ago, the megalodon was found in the oceans of the globe. This giant shark is considered one of the greatest and most powerful predators in vertebrate history. National Geographic tells us more during this video.

The megalodon – Otodus megalodon, for scientists – it is a kind of shark that lived between 15 and 3.6 million years ago. It was found, it seems, in almost every world oceans. And it is known for its immense size, probably around 15 meters. The largest specimens can even reach 20 meters.

What scientists know about megalodon consists of a few fossil teeth and vertebrae that they were able to find. And it is precisely a reexamination of these fossil archives in connection with the places on which these remains of giant sharks were found which pushes today a international team of researchers to claim that megalodons that lived in cool waters were larger than those that lived in warmer waters.

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It is a confirmation of the so-called Bergmann rule, named after the German biologist who introduced it in the middle of the 19th century.and century. A rule which however does not apply to the shark – which is referred to as a close cousin of the megalodon. She wants the size of the large animals to help them retain the heat more efficiently. Thus the megalodon reputed to have reached 18 or 20 meters in length probably evolved in the coolest waters of the Globe.

The researchers are also returning to these regions which have recently been designated as possible nursery grounds. From megalodon nurseries. Because we had preferentially found megalodon teeth that were smaller than the others. These regions being located precisely near the equator, it could be that they correspond finally rather to zones in which the sizes of the megalodons simply remained less impressive, because of the warm waters in which they bathed. This work could help scientists to better understand the movements, under the effect of the global warminghabitats of predators that are located at the top of the food chain. Like sharks.

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