The Six Table crisis took place in the Greek press as well! ‘Erdogan was right’

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The departure of IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener from Six Tables aroused a wide impact in the world press. Greek media also devoted a great deal of space to the development. Maria Zaharaki, one of the writers of Ethnos newspaper, recalled the words of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, “They will disperse anyway” in her column, and said, “Erdogan was right. The six-party opposition could not stand against Erdoğan and dispersed before reaching the elections. Turkish politics is blown up right now,” he commented.


The Greek newspaper Kathimerini presented the news with the headline “They sat, talked, left”. Kathimerini writer Manolis Kostidis said that President Erdoğan said, “We said what was going to happen months ago. As the Iranians say, ‘They sat, talked and left.’ We told you. That’s exactly what happened.”
