The situation in the Gaza Strip escalates — Israel killed a jihadist commander, the Palestinian terrorist organization fired 100 rockets in the direction of Israel in retaliation

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During Friday, both sides fired rockets. At least 10 people were killed in the Israeli attack.

Israel struck the Palestinian territory of Gaza again on Friday. In response, rockets were fired from the Palestinian territories in the direction of Israel on Friday evening local time.

According to witnesses, at least two rockets were seen flying towards Israel from the Palestinian territory. Explosions have been heard in the area and air raid sirens are sounding on the Israeli side.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad said it fired 100 rockets in retaliation for an Israeli airstrike that killed a jihadist commander.

Israel killed a jihadist commander

During the day, Israel confirmed that it had struck the area. According to the Israeli armed forces, the target of the attacks was Islamic Jihad, which is classified as a terrorist organization by several countries.

According to the extremist organization, its commander was killed in the attack.

According to the Palestinian health authorities, at least ten people were killed and more than 50 soldiers and civilians were wounded in the attack.

According to the Israeli Armed Forces, there would be 15 dead “enemy combatants”.

The situation is vulnerable

The situation between Israelis and Palestinians has tightened again in recent days.

After Friday’s shooting, Israel’s interim prime minister Yair Lapid said Israel has “zero tolerance” for missiles fired from Palestinian territories.

According to Lapid, Israel also has no interest in fighting. According to Lapdi, Friday’s attack on the Gaza Strip was a calculated operation to combat an immediate threat.

Earlier this week, Israel closed two border crossings on the Gaza border and imposed movement restrictions in the surrounding area. In addition, reinforcements were brought to the border against Gaza.

Israel also arrested a prominent member of the Islamic Jihad.

Israel and Palestine have been firing rockets regularly back and forth for 15 years.

The escalation of relations last year can still be seen in the Palestinian Territory. The area of ​​more than two million inhabitants is practically isolated. The coastal region suffers from poverty and unemployment in the region is around 50 percent.
