The site where you can drop an asteroid to the area you live in and see its effect

The site where you can drop an asteroid to the

From time to time, very interesting websites come up. with the newest of these to the region where you live. asteroid You can drop it and see the possible effect.

Neal Fun based on Neal Agarwal developed by here Asteroid Launcher website, which answers a question that most people do not normally think of. “to the area where you live asteroid What would be the effect if it fell?” You can do this over any region you choose on the map. simulated web siteoffers people different customization options. On the site, you can determine the type, size, speed and impact angle of the meteorite. The website then presents estimated data such as the impact area after the impact, the number of people evaporating from the high heat generated at the time of impact, the depth of the crater that will form, and the impact power.

Results are divided into three on Asteroid Launcher. formed in the first part your crater domain will be created in the second part fireball domain will be created in the third part sound wave, in the fourth part windin the fifth part, it will be formed after the impact. earthquake is showing. In possible collisions, especially the fireball’s area of ​​effect looks incredibly large and, accordingly, frightening.

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Talking about his website Neal Agarwal, to Gizmodo in his e-mail, “I grew up watching disaster movies like Deep Impact and Armageddon, so I always wanted to make a tool that would allow me to visualize my own asteroid impact scenarios.” said and added: “I think this tool is just right for anyone who has ‘what if’ scenarios go through their head. The math and physics behind the simulation, asteroid impacts Dr. Gareth Collins and Dr. Based on research papers by Clemens Rumpf.”
