The (silent) symptoms of heart attack

The silent symptoms of heart attack

In half of cases of heart attack, the first chest pain occurs in the days or weeks preceding it. Sometimes there is not this typical pain but other less suggestive signs.

The heart attack of the myocardium (muscle of the heart) occurs when an artery that supplies the heart is blocked by a clot of blood. Called “heart attack“in common parlance, it results from the total and sudden obstruction of a coronary artery. It is a emergency. On the occasion of the World Heart Day, September 29, we remind you of the heart attack symptoms to react as quickly as possible, with cardiologist Alain Furber.

What are the first symptoms of a heart attack?

“At the time of the infarction, we observe sudden chest pain which is quite evocative in its intensity. It is located behind the sternum. The patient will also feel pain radiation in the neck and jaw as well as in the left arm and hand. Pain is often associated with feeling of tightness, like in a vice. More rarely, the pain can be similar to burns. It does not disappear when resting” indicates Professor Furber. This pain can sometimes be accompanied by nausea, palpitations or even loss of consciousness if the patient suffers from heart rhythm disturbances or other pathologies.

How long before a heart attack occurs?

“In half of cases of heart attack, the first pain in the chest occurs in the days or weeks preceding it, during exercise or at rest. These pains appear in waves, they do not last. This is why it is very important to take this type of symptom into account, continues the cardiologist. In the other half of the cases, the symptoms appear suddenly and the first pain means a heart attack.”

Are they different in men and women?

Typical symptoms are similar in men and women. “In older women only, we sometimes observe atypical forms with shortness of breath and severe fatigue with sudden onset but in the vast majority of cases the symptoms are the same” underlines the cardiologist.

What are the silent symptoms of heart attack?

In certain cases, the infarction is “silent”, that is to say it does not cause no pain in the chest. “On the other hand, there will be a shortness of breath. This is particularly noted in diabetic patients; they often experience shortness of breath without pain, which complicates the diagnosis.” specifies our expert.

What are the digestive symptoms?

In certain atypical forms of infarction, digestive symptoms can be observed.s. “These may be epigastric signs such as heartburn, ulcer, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Pain may travel up the neck” notes Professor Furber.

How long do the symptoms last?

Until the artery is unblocked, the pain persists. A heart attack is an emergency that requires rapid treatment to unblock the coronary artery.

Thanks to Professor Alain Furber, cardiologist.
