The shipping company’s boycott was a blow to the stomach – the chocolate bound for Russia didn’t even run out of stock | Foreign countries

The shipping companys boycott was a blow to the stomach

Tallink Silja suspended new orders for Marabou chocolate for months. In the end, the purchase boycott was ended as ineffective because, according to the company, it did not catch the wind.

16:14•Updated 16:48

The shipping company Tallink Silja started boycotting the Swedish Marabou chocolate last summer because of its multinational owner’s ties to Russia.

In Sweden, Marabout has been boycotted by several shops, restaurants, agencies and cities after the owner of the chocolate, Mondelez, was blacklisted by Ukraine due to its ongoing business in Russia.

Even the Swedish royal house declared a Marabou boycott last January.

However, now the boycott of Finnish-Estonian Tallink Silja is over. Be the first to report on it Hufvudstadsbladet.

The shipping company tells that it did not place any new Marabou orders for several months. However, at no point did the chocolate disappear from the shelves of the ship’s stores, because there was already so much of it in the warehouses.

In the end, the purchase boycott was ended as ineffective because, according to Tallink, it did not catch the wind.

– We tried to influence Mondelez so that it would make an ethical decision to completely withdraw from Russia. We also invited retail groups to participate in this boycott and help to have a greater impact together, says Tallink Silja’s director of communications Marika Nöjd.

However, Finnish retail chains did not want to join the boycott. According to Nöjd, they would have been needed in order for the matter to have had an impact.

However, another shipping company, Viking Line, is still continuing its own Marabou boycott that started last summer.

– At the moment, we are not buying in Marabout, although we have noticed that it is available almost everywhere in the country, says Viking Line’s information director Johanna Boijer-Svahnström.

According to him, Viking Line supports the tightening of sanctions against Russia throughout the EU, so that the boycott does not fall on the shoulders of individual companies.
