The sequel came 35 years later and exceeded all expectations

The sequel came 35 years later and exceeded all expectations

With Blade Runner Director Ridley Scott has created a groundbreaking masterpiece that Possibly the best sci-fi film ever to date is. If you have never seen the classic with Harrison Ford or want to watch it again, you have the opportunity to do so on Sunday evening, ad-free.

The sequel was released in 2017 and it has become a science fiction gem even without Scott as director.

That’s what Blade Runner is about

Scott’s 1982 classic is set in a futuristic 2019, where Los Angeles has become a constantly rainy slum. Be here artificially created people, so-called replicants, are used to exploit alien planets. Ex-cop Rick Deckard (Ford) follows the mission to track down and wipe out replicants. When he meets the young replicant Rachael (Sean Young) and falls in love with her, he has to question his entire worldview.

Blade Runner was continued worthy 35 years later

Blade Runner 2049 by Prisoners and Sicario director Denis Villeneuve was released in 2017. In the sequel, police officer K (Ryan Gosling) investigates the disappearance of Ford’s Deckard and uncovers a well-kept secret.

With the sci-fi sequel, Villeneuve relies on the usual opulent cyberpunk images that exude a great neo-noir atmosphere. The themes of Scott’s masterpiece are cleverly developed furtherto skillfully expand the Blade Runner universe.

When is Blade Runner on TV?

Arte broadcasts the sci-fi masterpiece on October 8, 2023 at 8:15 p.m out of. Blade Runner is currently nowhere to be seen in a streaming flat rate.

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