Hemtjänstindex is an initiative from SPF Seniors and constitutes an overall measure of the quality of home care in the country.
Sweden’s 290 municipalities are pitted against each other and assessed based on four sub-areas, based on public data:
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The winner from last year is poked down
In 2023, it was Halmstad that claimed first place in the Home Service Index, which News24 wrote about then.
In fact, they climbed a whopping 45 places: from 46th to 1st, just between 2022 and 2023.
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Big difference between home care in the municipalities
As last year, the differences between the highest and lowest ranked municipality are significant in the Home Care Index 2024.
“In 2024, it has once again been shown that municipalities that actively work to develop their home care from the seniors’ perspective can also significantly improve their results in the Home Care Index, including that the elderly’s satisfaction with home care increases,” they write in their summation of the 2024 results and continues:
“Municipalities that get the highest results in the Home Care Index have satisfied elderly people, good results in the various sub-indexes and work based on facts.”
The municipality with the best home care service in Sweden: “Good results”
So which municipality is it that takes home the prestigious award this time? Part of the justification reads as follows:
“The home care municipality of the year shows good results in basically all parts of the home care, from the information to the elderly and relatives, via the assistance process to the execution of the home care as well as welfare technology, implementation plans, preventive efforts and routines”.
And the best home care in Sweden in 2024, that was found in Jönköping.
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Source: Home service index
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