The security perimeter for the opening ceremony is deployed around the Seine

The security perimeter for the opening ceremony is deployed around

Just over a week before the Olympics kick off with the opening ceremony on the Seine. For the occasion, a vast security perimeter was set up this Thursday. Officially called the “internal security and counterterrorism” perimeter, it blocks access to the river that flows through the middle of the French capital. Fences have been erected everywhere and police officers are blocking access.

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A little everywhere inParis, Tourists seem lost. Some turn to police officers to find their way. With the security perimeter set up for the Olympic Gamesnot easy to understand everything for these two Americans who came especially for the Games: “ All the places we wanted to go are blocked! The directions are not well indicated… Yesterday, we tried to go to the Orangerie Museum but we didn’t know how! “.

To pass through police checks and access the banks of the Seine, you need a QR code. A failure for this sports teacher who was supposed to give a lesson in the prohibited zone. We’re supposed to be here, at the Tuileries, but we can’t go to the carousel. Even the police say they were warned 3-4 hours ago ” she laments.

On the other hand, there are those who are delighted, like this ready-to-wear saleswoman who came to work by bike. In fact, there was no one, it was so nice. We could breathe, there were no cars. But since there are a lot of Parisians who have gone on vacation, it makes for some sorting. ” she says.

Only local residents, professionals and visitors (with proof of a hotel, museum or restaurant reservation, for example) can access this area, upon presentation of a games pass. Some ” 230,000 “People have obtained this pass, which bears a QR code, to move around on foot within the perimeter, indicated the police prefect Laurent Nuñez, Wednesday during a press briefing.

From July 18 to 26 inclusive, access to the gray perimeter will be prohibited to motorized vehicles except for rare exceptions, in particular for emergency vehicles. In the red perimeter, motorized traffic will be permitted for duly authorized persons with proof. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to circulate freely there.
