The security guard reveals – that’s why you won’t enter the pub

Not everyone is lucky when they go out for an evening at the pub. Some don’t even get through the door, despite waiting politely in line. But what makes security guards refuse someone at the entrance? The security guard Sam tell to News24 what you as a guard look out for when party-hungry guests want to enter the pub.

Why you are not let in by the security guard

According to Sam, it is primarily about how affected you are by alcohol. If a pub has way too many drunk guests, it can affect the pub’s alcohol status.

– If the pub goes on an inspection during the evening and the inspectors see that the visitors are noticeably drunk, it means that there was a breakdown in either the alcohol service on the part of the serving staff, or that the visitor arrived at the pub in an already noticeably drunk state but was still allowed in by the guards. This in itself can lead to the inspectors choosing to withdraw the pub’s alcohol licence, says Sam.

Other factors can also determine whether you get in

– Other factors that determine whether the visitor is admitted or not is whether the specific tavern has a guest list and the visitor is not on it, says the security guard.

According to him, it is also about having a bad attitude and disrupting the order already outside the pub entrance.

Sam has worked as a security guard for seven years and is on Tiktok under the name @Skyddsam where he shares tips and advice about safety in everyday life.

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Security guards can judge already in the queue whether you can enter the pub or not. Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

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