The security firm is investigating the IT attack on Öland – the mafia is behind it

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Sensitive information has been revealed and data has been copied from the municipalities’ servers during the IT attack.

– We haven’t been blackmailed – yet, but you can see that this is how they work, says Niklas Palmquist, IT manager for Mörbylånga and Borgholm municipality.

It is likely that Borgholm and Mörbylånga were guarded by the hackers for a long time before they struck.

– We’ve been talking for weeks, says Anders Näslund at the cyber security company hired to investigate the attack.

Organized crime

Shortly after the attack was discovered, the internet was shut down for the municipalities, but internal systems were kept running.

– Vården has been able to run their systems in the workplace, but they have not been able to take the information in the mobile phones with them outside, says Niklas Palmquist.

The investigation is ongoing and is expected to be completed before the turn of the year.

– Everything points to pure organized crime – mafia, says Anders Näslund.

Hear Anders Näslund answer three questions about the hacker attack in the clip.
