the secretary general of the collective against impunity kidnapped in Ouagadougou

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In Burkina Faso, kidnapping of the secretary general of the collective against impunity and stigmatization of communities (CISC). According to his relatives, Doctor Daouda Diallo was arrested this Friday and taken to an unknown destination. His name appeared on a list of people forcibly requisitioned.

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It was around 3 p.m. on Friday, when he went to the migration division of the national police, that Doctor Daouda Diallo was ” removed “. “ His passport had expired and he had come for renewal », Explains a close friend of the secretary general of the CISC.

As soon as she arrived on the scene, several individuals in civilian clothes surrounded her vehicle and took it to a destination, until then unknown.

The secretary general of the collective against impunity and stigmatization of communities, also winner of the Martin Ennals 2022 prize, had been living in hiding since the publication of a list of a dozen people (journalists, trade unionists, civil society actors and politicians) requisitioned to participate in the fight against terrorism. He won this prize for his fight for respect for human rights.

The collective against impunity and stigmatization of communities declared in a press release that this forced requisition had only one objective: “ Silencing every dissenting voice, crushing every critical citizen and organization » of the management of power.
