The secret to happiness is within reach: we just need to take our children as an example

The secret to happiness is within reach we just need

To make our daily lives much more joyful, we should simply turn to our little ones. Here’s why!

If you had to define happiness, what would it be? Relaxing on a beach, having nothing to do, sipping a cocktail in the sun, traveling, spending time with friends and loved ones…? Deep down, what truly makes you happy? If all these activities and appointments are rather effective in giving us energy and good humor, it would be enough, according to Dr. Hasan Merali, pediatrician, to learn from our children, who hold the key to happiness .

According to him, little ones, full of energy, curiosity and laughter, have a “remarkable capacity to take risks and ask questions, two qualities that can help us enjoy life more.” And unlike adults, “they move joyfully and instinctively,” he explained to the New York Times. Moreover, when it comes to play, children are better at it than adults. Because even when we want to take time to have fun, we quickly get caught up in the worries of everyday life and the tasks to be done. In short, we don’t take enough time to disconnect, while play punctuates a good part of children’s day, and they know how to take advantage of it.

However, emotions are much more difficult to manage for toddlers, who sometimes have difficulty putting things into perspective. So just because they know how to enjoy good times doesn’t mean their day is less stressful than ours. As adults, we can therefore learn from our children, particularly about their way of living a simple and happy life, while taking into account their very real difficulties, believes the doctor.
