The secret of long life! Three foods that lower the risk of death by 30 percent

The secret of long life Three foods that lower the

We do not know the benefits of many foods we eat. The foods in our kitchen can create a treasure effect for our health. There are some foods that provide effective results for long life. Studies have shown that these foods provide protection against many diseases. Nutritionist Tony Pemberton shared three foods that stand out for longevity.

The expert explained that you should prefer cocoa, which is raw, to chocolate. “Raw cocoa contains polyphenols, antioxidants that aid in DNA repair,” says Pemberton. It’s also rich in the alkaloid theobromine, which can help reduce inflammation and protect from diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes,” said the expert.

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If you don’t want to replace your daily tea with a green alternative, Pemberton may make you think again. “Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins, which reduce inflammation and aid DNA repair. Green tea contains EGCG, the most potent type of catechin, and can improve your mood, fat loss and even eye health. Other types of tea also have this effect, but green tea is the most beneficial.” According to the expert, even a single cup of green tea can start to make a difference.

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While this option may sound exotic, green coffee beans are simply unroasted coffee beans. “Coffee beans are naturally green, but roasting turns them brown,” says Pemberton. “Green coffee beans are rich in antioxidants and other pharmacologically active compounds that reduce both your risk of cancer and inflammation, but roasting destroys some of these properties.”


In addition to eliminating life-threatening problems such as cancer, these three foods can extend your life expectancy thanks to their antioxidant content. “A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who consumed large amounts of polyphenols had a 30 percent lower mortality rate compared to those who consumed moderate polyphenols.”
