The secret note of Bruno Retailleau to Emmanuel Macron, the SMS of François Bayrou to Edouard Philippe – L’Express

The secret note of Bruno Retailleau to Emmanuel Macron the

It’s crazy as the dissolution really clarified everything! This second five -year period is definitely no other. The Attal government had not already lasted long, and now Michel Barnier is overthrown by a censorship motion three months after his appointment. François Bayrou is found in Matignon, but the crisis never ends, political life enters the unpublished.

Read also: François Bayrou settles his accounts on Betharram, Gérald Darmanin is not afraid of the “Retaille symptom”

Attal-Barnier, the reunion

While their relations had been complicated during the lease of Michel Barnier in Matignon, Gabriel Attal asked to see him again. Between ex, we understand each other and it goes even better by saying it. The first therefore told the second that if it was to do again, he would not do it all identically. And the second took the opportunity to tell the first one that during his visit to Matignon, the Savoyard felt like “an intruder” when he went to the EPR group of the Assembly, chaired by Attal.

Retaille: his secret note to Macron

Bruno Retailleau sent a note to the president to make him proposals in terms of referendums. With a conviction: you should not try to simply “amuse the gallery”. “The worst would be a referendum for nothing,” insisted the Minister of the Interior. He therefore lists the various questions he would deem useful to ask by following article 11 of the Constitution – that which provides that “any bill on the organization of public authorities, on reforms relating to the economic or social policy of the nation and to the public services which contribute to it” may be subject to the French “on the proposal of the government during the duration of the sessions or on the joint proposal of the two assemblies”. Based on an opinion from the Constitutional Council, he considers in particular that it is possible to evoke immigration via social assistance granted to foreigners.

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Philippe on the Retailleau line

On the referendum, the former Prime Minister shares the opinion of the Minister of the Interior. Or roughly. “It’s very curious, we say referendum but we do not know what, was surprised Edouard Philippe in small committee. It is not the spirit of the VE.” Unlike the tenant of Place Beauvau, he was careful not to provide a note to Emmanuel Macron.

Bayrou’s SMS in Philippe

It was enough to be patient. François Bayrou had never responded to the mail (revealed by Franceinfo) that Edouard Philippe had sent him after his appointment to Matignon, in December, in order to offer him a government contract. The mayor of Le Havre has just received an SMS from the Prime Minister: “We have to see each other.”

Read also: Gérald Darmanin: The underside of his strategy to remain the “Corsican Mr. Corsica” of the government

At the fraternal parliamentary, the dike holds

Far-right deputies remain persona non grata among the Freemasons of the National Assembly. Despite the requests of certain deputies of the national rally, the fraternal parliamentary, chaired by Senator Les Républicains Pascal Allizard, affiliated with the Grand Orient, still refuses to welcome the lepenists. “Pierre Henriet – MP for Vendée and former president of the Fraternelle – nevertheless assured me that he saw no disadvantage”, swears a Marinist deputy. Some dikes still take time to be broken.

Municipal: the RN in ambush … for the Senate

Negotiations around the PLM law, alliances expected between macronists and LRs … The municipal elections of March 2026 already mobilize the staff of political parties. The national rally intends to strengthen its territorial anchoring there and read a few cities, such as Toulon. A leading minister detects in this election a decisive stage with a view to ramp -up of the far -right formation in the Senate. Municipal councilors are the first voters of members of the upper chamber. “The RN will be interested in medium -sized municipalities in order to have a substantial number of large voters and tomorrow a large group in the Senate. This will change the balance of power,” anticipates this minister.

