The second time maybe like about asylum camps in Rwanda

The second time maybe like about asylum camps in Rwanda

Published 2024-01-17 23.36




full screen Rishi Sunak defends his policy in the British House of Commons. Photo: Jessica Taylor/AP/TT

Britain’s Prime Minister has succeeded in piloting through a controversial proposal in the British House of Commons to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.

It was the second time that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak forced through the law to transfer asylum seekers to third countries. In December, the bill was passed with 313 votes in favor and 269 against.

But then came the first setback, when the British Supreme Court rejected the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda under international law.

Sunak reworked the proposal, now called the Safety of Rwanda Bill – law on safety in Rwanda (in migration and asylum matters).

The vote on Wednesday was as dramatic as the one in December, when the different factions of the Conservative Party are at each other’s throats. The right wing, which threatened Sunak’s important proposal, eventually folded. The voting figures were 320 to 276, when the opposition, with the Labor Party as the main opponent, voted against.

The law will now be considered by the upper house of the British Parliament – the House of Lords, where the members are not elected by the people. But the Conservatives lack a majority in the upper house, so the law could face opposition there as well.

Britain has already paid 240 million pounds, the equivalent of 3.2 billion kroner, to Kigali since former Prime Minister Boris Johnson launched the proposal for asylum in Rwanda.
