The season model in Destiny 2 can still convince you – but only if Bungie improves one important thing

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The current season model in Destiny 2 is currently being criticized because it sucked out too quickly. That’s why we wanted to know from our community if you would like the old DLC model back instead. Your answers are clear, but also show where the community currently sees the most potential for improvement.

What’s the deal with the survey? In July, harsh criticism was leveled at Destiny 2’s season model. Especially after the current Season of the Haunted brought back some familiar content and characters. Players increasingly felt that Bungie was changing its Seasons only as a loveless filler between the good content.

That’s why we wanted to know in a survey from you, the German MeinMMO Destiny 2 community, whether you currently see a return to the pure “once a year DLC model” as an alternative solution, or whether you do current season model would be retained despite everything.

Destiny 2 can now boast a large number of seasons.

Players believe in the potential of the season model

So far, 1,625 MeinMMO readers have voted in our survey, as of July 25, 2022, 9:30 a.m. Everyone had only one vote at their disposal. The distribution of these is as follows:

49% of our readers believe in the current season model in Destiny 2 and its potential.

The remaining votes are distributed as follows:

  • On the other hand, only 652 MeinMMO readers were in favor of a return to the pure DLC model. That is 40% and thus second place in the voting.
  • The rest, namely 180 MeinMMO readers and thus 11%, don’t care what Bungie uses for a content model in its space shooter.
  • Then the community changed their mind: In 2020, MeinMMO wanted to know from you how the season model in Destiny 2 was received by you. At that time, however, the individual annual DLCs won with 51% of the votes. Players would rather want a lot of content at once, instead of just a little bit at a time.

    Only a quarter of our readers like how Destiny 2 is getting new content

    Now that a few seasons are behind the guardians, in 2022, despite all the criticism of the system, it is exactly the opposite model that wins our evaluation. The season model can now score more with the players than pure DLCs and our readers have also justified this in their comments.

    We wanted to know from you: Seasons or DLCs, which do you prefer?

    Your arguments for the season model are solid: Destiny 2 player Chris realized for himself that a return to the DLC model would probably set Bungie back years.

    I am […] so realistic to say that DLCs are no longer an optimal option for Bungie [sind]. They’ve been down that road for a long time and to switch back now would probably set us back years in terms of State Of The Game. Finally, many systems and concepts have been precisely adapted to the Season model.

    explains Chris in the comments on MeinMMO

    Many Destiny veterans who have followed the game for years remember just how cruelly boring the DLC model once was. This includes the keeper Devgru, who still remembers it clearly:

    […] stay away from me with this ‘one DLC a year would be much better’. [Das DLC „König der Bessessenen“]still the best expansion of all time for many, was “done” after a few months and people opened up [„Das Erwachen der Eisernen Lords“-DLC] waited and left. […] Without [Triumphe] [hätte] there also after [ein] For a few months there was a yawning emptiness and people still complained that there was nothing to do.

    […] Of course they could just pump everything into one DLC per year and maybe something of Forsaken or Witch Queen quality would come out of it, but that’s how they managed it. And without anything like [„Die Schwarze Waffenkammer“ aus dem alten Jahrespass] people would have gotten bored even in Forsaken after half a year.

    leads Devgru on MeinMMO against the DLC model

    And the player Fly says that the season model is just a relaxed thing that he personally thinks is quite good.

    Personally, I think it’s quite good at the moment, you can look in every week, you now get a reasonable story and you can do something, but you can also play other games completely relaxed. For someone who just wants to play Destiny this might get boring quicker, but there are so many other (good) games to play (besides Destiny).

    Fly explains relaxed on MeinMMO

    That’s why you still want DLCs again in 2022: However, there are also good arguments that our readers make in favor of returning to the DLC model, like player huhu_2345.

    I liked the DLC model much better. DLC is coming out and I play until I’ve finished the content and grind here and there until I don’t feel like it anymore. After that I wait for the next DLC. […] Due to the season model, I “have to” play regularly. Always do the same missions every week and after three months everything repeats itself, the eternal cycle starts all over again.

    huhu_2345 describes his arguments against the season model on MeinMMO

    Even with the DLC model, there were times of “doing nothing” and boredom.

    Without content, however, both are irrelevant for many players

    One thing is clear from the comments: Despite the fact that many would currently prefer the season model, they are also dissatisfied with some of the content that Bungie currently offers.

    Especially the currently active Season 17 has added a shovel to the frustration of long-time players from the community. This is how the player Sleeping-Ex sums it up when he comments that without content, both are irrelevant.

    The question of seasons or DLC is irrelevant. If Bungie doesn’t manage to provide relevant content, which is difficult to admit for some hardcore gamers, it doesn’t matter if I get bored until the next DLC or the next season.

    Sleeping-Ex explains his problem with both models

    And he’s not alone in that. The Destiny 2 player and MeinMMO reader Zavarius also sees it similarly and writes: “A DLC every 6 months is just as much a death sentence as sucked-out copy & paste seasons every week.”

    There is still room for improvement in the season model: Basically, the community is satisfied with the season model itself. But many players still want a space shooter that also inspires them with creative content in its seasons.

    Warmed-up “seasons” dull that experience and feel like Bungie is just stalling before getting back to the big story.

    For many players, it doesn’t even have to be the big story beats that Bungie brings into play during the smaller seasons. They would be quite happy with a breath of fresh air that invites them on surprising voyages of discovery or entertains them with a new, as yet unknown activity per season and unknown locations.

    How do you find the result? Would you have thought that players would now prefer the season model? And if seasons remain in Destiny 2, what would you wish Bungie to do to change the current model to make it more enjoyable for you? Let us know in the comments.

    It remains to be seen whether Bungie will also keep an eye on these criticisms from its community for the future of Destiny.
