The search for notoriety on social networks can lead to the worst abuses. The proof with this Netflix documentary series which traces the sad story of dancers recruited into a sect.

The search for notoriety on social networks can lead to

The search for notoriety on social networks can lead to the worst abuses. The proof with this Netflix documentary series which traces the sad story of dancers recruited into a sect.

The new Netflix series, “Dancing with the Devil: A Cult on TikTok?”, broadcast since May 29, reveals a fascinating and disturbing story that shook the social media community. In three captivating episodes, the documentary explains how talented dancers, who became famous on TikTok, were lured into the clutches of a cult.

It all begins with the Wilking sisters, Miranda and Melanie, two young American dancers from the suburbs of Detroit. Their passion for dance and their undeniable talent propelled them to the ranks of celebrities on social networks in the late 2010s. In 2020, their Instagram account had more than three million subscribers, an impressive success that seemed to promise them a bright future.

But in 2021, Miranda decided to continue her career in Los Angeles. She then joined 7M Films, a talent management company promising to help the most popular influencers shine on social networks. Behind this glamorous facade, however, lies a much darker reality. 7M Films is linked to the Shekinah Church, led by a certain Robert Shinn, a man who turns out to be a terrible manipulator.

© Netflix-YouTube

Under his influence, Miranda cuts ties with those close to her to devote herself entirely to her career and the cult of Shinn. In 2022, the Wilking family decided to make their concerns public. On Instagram Live, they denounce the psychological control and manipulation exercised by Robert Shinn. And thanks to the testimonies of other dancers who fled 7M, they measure the extent of the abuse. Presenting himself as “the man of God”, Robert Shinn uses classic methods of cult manipulation by isolating his victims. Psychological control, extortion of money, sexual abuse… the documentary traces the terrible actions of this guru who crushed the life of Miranda and several other young dancers. Having failed to break into Hollywood, he created a role for himself as a protective producer, exploiting the talent of his dancers under the guise of helping them succeed.

Today, Robert Shinn has not been convicted. Despite this, 7M Films continues to produce dance videos, including those of Miranda and her husband Derrick, also a dancer. And on TikTok, Shinn can always recruit new victims. But the Netflix documentary hopes to shine a light on his actions and protect other young talents from falling into his traps.

“Dancing with the Devil: A Cult on TikTok?” is a powerful reminder of the dangers that social media and false promises of fame can pose. For young talents and their families, it is crucial to remain vigilant in the face of opportunities that can turn out to be dangerous traps. The Netflix documentary warns against these threats while telling a poignant and uplifting story.
