Published: Less than 1 hour ago
Wilja-Lie, 14, has been given the task of giving a presentation about the Sweden Democrats at school.
She wanted to find out more and went to the polling booths in Eskilstuna to talk to SD politicians.
Now the Tiktok video where she interviews the youth politician Emely Ek, 25, has received over a million views.
14-year-old Wilja-Lie Bill had no real plans to record her interviews.
The idea was that she would ask questions to SD politicians because she had been given the task of making a presentation about the party at school.
– The whole class went down to the polling booths and once there I thought it could be a fun thing to record “three quick questions” with SD, says Wilja-Lie.
In a clip on Tiktok, she interviews Emely Ek, 25, who is active in SD’s youth association Ungsvenskarna – now the clip has gone viral and has over a million views.
“Now it got a little stiff”
In the video, Wilja-Lie wonders why Emely has joined a party founded by racists.
– I read that at school and saw it on Google, says Wilja-Lie.
– It’s a stupid question, I won’t answer it, counters Emely, who questions that it would be true.
– Now it got a bit stiff, states Wilja-Lie at the end of the clip.
Defending himself after the Tiktok interview
Emely Ek is also active on Tiktok. There she posts videos about the politics of the Sweden Democrats and answers questions from her nearly 8,000 followers.
After the meeting with Wilja-Lie, she posted a clip where she defends herself. Emely says that she doesn’t care that SD was founded by Nazis and that it’s not relevant.
– I did not join the party for what has been, I joined for the party’s vision of Sweden’s future, says Emely Ek to Aftonbladet.
Emely says in her clip that she herself thinks the answers were a bit defensive.
– I apologize for that. But if you’re going to interview someone and say you’re going to ask school questions and come up with that question. “Sorry not sorry” as well.
“Put against the wall”
Wilja-Lie says that she is disappointed that she did not get an equally detailed answer at the polling booth.
– It was a question I wanted an answer to regardless of whether it was to be filmed or not. Both she and I got a little irritated with each other. She didn’t think I asked a concrete question, but I do, she says.
– I don’t see this as a drama, it’s not something I spend more time or energy on.
Emely believes that the clip has contributed to a negative view of the Sweden Democrats.
– I think that’s boring. But it’s great that students want to talk about politics. But when she asked that question, I felt up against the wall. I am also quite new to politics and have only been involved since November last year, she explains.
Many have reacted to the clip
In retrospect, Wilja-Lie wants to emphasize that the question concerned SD’s history and not how the party looks today.
– People say that I should remember that the party is not Nazi today, but I have not said that. I asked why she joined a party founded by racists and Nazis. I learned that at school and then I assume that it is correct.
However, Emely believes that it is a question that is almost never asked of any other parties.
– I think that you can talk about history with all parties and not just with us, she says.
To say the least, many had opinions about the Tiktok interview. Both Wilja-Lie and Emely have received a lot of comments and reactions afterwards.
– I was shocked when it got so big. I think it’s exciting and it will be fun to see what it leads to, says Wilja-Lie.