The scouts from Jämtland county are in a new location in South Korea after the Jamboree camp had to be evacuated

The big scout camp Jamboree that took place in South Korea has been marred by weather problems since its opening last week. It has been everything from heavy rain to extreme heat, but the prevailing typhoon warning was the final straw for the camp, which had to evacuate the participants.

– When other countries chose to leave the camp prematurely, we became worried that the Swedish contingent would also want to leave, but Sweden chose to stay, says Jonna Rode, participant from Scouts Östersund.

Jonna Rode travels with the Future Scouts and is part of the Norrland group. On Tuesday, August 8, she and the other participants were evacuated from the camp site to a university outside Seoul.

– The camp lasts until August 12, but we will stay a few days longer and travel a bit.

Hear Jonna Rode tell more about the plans after the camp had to close
