The scandals surrounding Trump: “Has more lives than a cat”

Donald Trump is accused of several crimes. But it is far from the first time he is in bad weather, but despite several revelations, his position is still strong. – He really has more lives than a cat. Former President Donald Trump is doing the opposite of what all crisis consultants would recommend. According to them, after a crisis you should put your cards on the table, apologize and promise to make amends. Trump does the opposite, and he is absolutely right in that, according to communications expert Andreas Utterström: – He goes on the attack and denies, if he cannot deny, he shifts the focus. He is a street fighter and there are many who feel very satisfied with that, which is why you are tired of the PK elite. Previous scandals gave self-confidence It is not the first time that the ex-president has found himself in bad weather. Just before the 2016 election, a video was leaked in which he used the now famous expression “grab em’ by the pussy” to describe how you can behave towards women when you are famous. What sets that statement apart from others is that he actually issued an apology afterward. – Half an apology. He said that this was locker room talk, but in the next sentence he said that he had heard Bill Clinton say worse things, says Utterström. That particular scandal may have been the starting point for his odd crisis strategy: – If he had thought more conventionally, he would have dropped out for the good of the party. But Trump basically always represents himself. He is never loyal to the party. So I think this explains why he always trusts his gut.
