The “Savo brothers” immediately took up the journalist’s challenge – Severi Savonsalmi and Fedor Ivanov are the real joy pills of the national team

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The volleyball national team Severi Savonsalmi and Fedor Ivanov have played at the club level in the same team since childhood. The past season was the first time the buddies faced opponents.

“Potential gamblers with the right attitude, at least for Savoans.”

“Nice guys both, but sometimes there could be a moment of silence.”

“Pretty exceptional individuals.”

“A fraternal cult with a good sense of humor.”

The sentences below are descriptions of the volleyball team players Severi from Savonsalmi and Fedor “Fede” Ivanovista.

The duo can be called the Savo brothers of the national team with good reason. Namely, the close friendship between Passari Ivanov and the central defenders of Savonsalmi has lasted for a lifetime.

The duo, who were in the same class at the beginning of the entire elementary school and high school stage, started volleyball in Pielavesi at the age of six. They progressed at the same pace and in teams to the Savo Volley league team and the national team.

However, the past league season was exceptional: in the spring, the friends fought across the net in the final series of VaLePa and Savo Volley. Ivanov admits that the first season in various clubs and especially the final climax raised emotions.

– At some point, I was a little nervous about how we were going with Sever. But there was nothing in it then, Ivanov says.

VaLePa, represented by Savonsalmi, took the championship after seven games.

– We always threw the jerks before the game and even after the game. After the stop game, I went to congratulate and found that he was better this time, but hopefully it will be the only time left, Ivanov smiles.

Savonsalmi is on the same lines, with a small acknowledgment.

– I guess it wasn’t until the fifth game that I realized that we were playing against the championship. It was a pretty cool feeling.

According to Savonsalmi, the duo has played all kinds of sports with each other throughout their lives. Everything from tennis to badminton and football has been included.

Now it was time to compete in the main sport of volleyball.

– Someone asked me if we were still friends with Fede. I was pretty embarrassed about that. Lentis is a big deal, of course, but we’ve always been friends. This has not affected it in any way, Savonsalmi says and continues hesitantly:

– The only difference is that I now have gold in the closet, Fede doesn’t. You can always remind yourself of that from time to time.

Ivanov, who listens to his friend’s chin, says the gold would have suited him, too.

At the moment of the hit at the national team camp, the duo will compete on the mini golf course.

The race spree and decibels will take extra laps when the reporter suggests a swimming trip to the loser.

The lake water of May is clearly unattractive to both of them and the psychic of the guy on the ruthless batting start begins.

In the volleyball national team that underwent rejuvenation surgery, 21-year-old Ivanov and Savonsalmi are no longer yellow beaks. Both debuted on the national team at the age of 17.

– Somehow I only got on the national team then based on a couple of trainings. I still don’t know why, but I’m really grateful Tuomas Sammelvuollethat he took me there, Ivanov recalls.

– At that time, I wasn’t able to train myself at all due to my excitement. Now my own feeling on the national team is much more liberated.

Both have enough potential to go a long way in their bread. According to a comment cast in the eye, “Savonsalmi was still pranking in Savo Volley, but he was already pranking in VaLePa.”

The argument makes Savonsalmi laugh sweetly, but at the same time he admits that there is also a fact involved.

– There were a little younger weather in Savo and things went well in the plane. Perhaps there was little attempt to unite the lives of Rock Star and Volleyball Star. There were no more such patterns in Sastamala. It was just the life of a volleyball player.

Were there even too many facts?

– I can not say. I didn’t have time to figure it out in a year.

You have to ask VaLePA’s passport anchor From Mikko Eskolta.

– Yes, Severi brought joy and humor to our seriously serious group between us, perhaps a little unnecessarily. He also quickly became a fan favorite, Esko says.

According to the experienced Esko, one of the most valuable qualities in Savonsalmi is how he always has enough time for everyone.

– Younger viewers in particular were well received. In the final series, it was also fun to see how well he was received in the away matches. Even in the initial heat, he was pounded from the auditorium at a brisk pace.

Esko says that Savonsalmi matured significantly as a volleyball player last season. Along with games, the importance of training has grown for the young player.

– I still like to play small games or practice great attacks. However, I have understood what it takes to rise from my current level to even bigger fields, Savonsalmi opens.

– I think there will be plenty of money, even if I lift the pounds. And I’ve lifted them up, but that’s really no joy.

In addition to training, Savonsalmi lists food and rest, among other things, as important things. In addition to learning, an athlete’s life is also about growing up as a person.

Esko also throws a small revelation about his intolerant teammate.

– After all, Sever is always loud in training. But when we left for the home after the championship, Severi might fall asleep as the others start to win.

– That’s what the guys have forged! Everyone understands that if we make up for the party, then it will work, Savonsalmi’s counterpart will be heard.

The national team activities will connect Savonsalmi and Ivanov in the summer, but next season the distance between the friends will increase even more.

In the fall, Ivanov will head Akaa Volley and the national team liberon Profit Poor with the German professional field Helios Grizzlys Giesen near Hanover.

– It was quite exciting when the offers started coming. Mainly with my family, we wondered what would be the best option for my career, Ivanov said.

– However, the season was in progress at that point and the thoughts had to be moved there. After that, the national team tasks started immediately, which also bring little butterflies to the stomach.

Ivanov believes the change of landscape is doing good. He has been spinning all his life in Savo.

– Many thanks to Savo Volley, where I have developed both as a player and as a person. I’ve got a lot of good out there. I hope I have given something there too.

The mini golf challenge in Ivanov and Savonsalmi ends in favor of the latter after a little pecking and sniffing.

– The loser is going to wash now! Savonsalmi grins, patting Ivanov to jump from the pier into the still icy water.

After a while, he wonders from a friend who humbled himself into the water:
