The Sarkkinen family already had time to ventilate the Olympic venue – however, the ticket prices shocked | Sport

The Sarkkinen family already had time to ventilate the Olympic

– Yes, Jonni is such a strict guy. Very critical of himself. I remember how, once in elementary and high school, he once stated that training at this level would not go far. Kuortanene’s sports high school was an obvious step towards a career as a competitive wrestler.

This is how Finland’s Olympic representative is described Jonni from Sarkki father Pasi Sarkkinen, who has solid experience in the traditional Finnish sport of wrestling. In August, Jonni Sarkkinen will represent together Arvi Savolainen with a handsome continuation on the wrestling mat of the Olympic Games, which has seen a Finnish representative ever since the 1906 Games.

Pasi Sarkkinen, executive director of the Finnish wrestling association, was the head coach of the Finnish national team when Marko Yli-Hannuksela wrestled 20 years ago in Athens for Olympic silver. It is the previous Finnish Olympic wrestling medal. Then the 2-year-old son Jonni received a mascot donated by ‘s competition studio as a gift from Athens.

Olympic stories have become familiar to Jonni Sarkkinen, as his father has been on site at the Olympic Games in different positions a total of seven times.

– Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve thought that it’s the coolest event in the world. For wrestlers, the Olympics are a really big deal and it’s so hard to get there. Now one dream is coming true, but of course the goal is also to succeed there.

Pasi Sarkkinen reminds that Paris should not be made too big of a deal. The 22-year-old European youth champion hopefully has years left in his career.

– When the more experienced athletes have to think about how they can perform in the games even at the good old level, the younger ones may still develop in the last few meters in many areas. We also rely on this, Pasi Sarkkinen smiles.

The sports gene already came in the mother’s milk

There is a large grass field in the yard of the frontman’s house in Jyväskylä. There, the whole family has wrestled, played and exercised. Jonni’s older brother by a few years Juuso Sarkkinen finally chose football as his sport and plays it in the ranks of FC Vaajakoski in the second division. Little sister Sanni Sarkkinen recently retired from competitive wrestling.

– When I was younger, I could spin Jonni in the yard a few times, but now we are far from that. Of course, I will still run faster and further, the brother assures.

– I have been quite daring in how much I have dared to annoy these two. But I have always been able to run to my mother for safety, the sister laughs.

The mother of the family is not just any kind of support and security. Two-time world champion in aerobics Tuuli Matinsalo know what it’s like to aim for a place on the highest podium of competitive sports. In aerobics, there was never a chance to make it to the Olympics, but the mother prefers that experience to her son.

– Better this way. It has been amazing to watch how fast Jonni has gone towards his dreams. It’s great to see how the passion carries, summarizes Tuuli Matinsalo.

Jonni Sarkkinen admits that he has seen videos of his mother’s competition performances in the late 90s.

– Pretty athletic performances. Was clearly a tough athlete. My mother’s role in my racing career has been big, especially on the mental side and, of course, in terms of healthy food.

– I have tried to make it possible for Jonni to sometimes sigh about the life of a wrestler. A young athlete easily defines himself through sports. If things go badly, you consider yourself a bad person. I’ve tried to instill in you that life should be as it should be, that sports are possible in general, Tuuli’s mother, who works as a physical education teacher, continues.

They are currently responsible for the coaching of Jonni, who is enjoying himself at the Urhea campus in Helsinki Brother Karri Suominen and Juha Lappalainen. However, father Pasi has always been strongly involved in his son’s hobby.

– Like Hietaniemi Ramikin has once said: Our children have been free to choose their sport. That is, freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling, Pasi Sarkkinen laughs.

In reality, the range of sports within the family has been large, and even Jonni Sarkkinen has played baseball in Kiri’s shirt until middle school. Of course, as an explosive front runner.

– This group has not needed to be kicked in the ass. There has been a wide range of interest in sports and we parents have been encouraging as role models, says Matinsalo.

– Father has been an excellent coach. Not too demanding, because motivation has been found from behind. Direct feedback comes when there is reason for it, summarizes Jonni Sarkkinen.

– I have seen many kinds of parent-child relationships in sports, and it is not a simple matter. I myself have started from the fact that first and foremost I will always be a father. Sports are sometimes talked about more seriously, but still in an appropriate way, Pasi Sarkkinen continues.

Paris is a goal for the whole family

If it is difficult for a wrestler to get a ticket to the Olympics, it is also difficult for the home team. In the Sarkkinen family, the hunt for tickets started as soon as April, when the Olympic place was confirmed. An adventure trip of one thousand euros was offered to cheering groups online.

– Within the family, there has been a rumor for a long time that when Jonni goes to Paris, we will go too. When the joke turned out to be true, we were immediately ready, Sanni sister laughs.

– The shock was great when I saw the ticket prices. Maybe they can be dug up cheaper through something else? But the trip will definitely be worth it, adds Juuso-veli.

The privilege of an athlete getting a loved one’s ticket sounds like it goes exclusively to the mother.

– Jam jam jam. I can’t stay out of there. It’s hard to watch a boy wrestle, but I’ve gotten better at it. I try to keep the shouting at bay by filming the matches at the same time, Tuuli Matinsalo reveals.

The family doesn’t want to put pressure on success, but faith is enough.

– Jonni spends his free time either watching wrestling or training for it. And he likes it too. There are pebbles for anything, Juuso Sarkkinen states.

– Jonni is ready to do anything to win. At that level, everyone’s physics is tough, but wrestling is also a lot to catch up with. Jonni’s head can handle it, sister will supplement.

– Different opponents are the salt of martial arts. However, you can’t think that you’re going to wrestle away your opponent’s strengths. You have to trust your own skills, father reminds us.
