The salary of consultants on the rise thanks to wage portage

The salary of consultants on the rise thanks to wage

One of the main advantages of wage portage is the security of remuneration. Being independent means having the freedom to create a tailor-made job, but the financial pressure can quickly become a source of stress. Thanks to wage portage, many entrepreneurs have been able to benefit from an increase in their salary. Decryption.

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First of all, it seems important to us to (re)define what wage portage is. You can then perform a salary simulation in wage portage to know more.

What is wage portage?

This is an alternative mode of employment where the wage portage company acts as an intermediary between the self-employed worker and his clients. The portage company takes care of the contracts as well as the administrative and financial management. It is for this reason that it also pays a fixed and monthly remuneration to the employee carried (corresponds to at least 75% of the Social Security ceiling).

The advantages of this assisted management are multiple:

  • financial and social security equivalent to employee status (social protection, right to unemployment, etc.);
  • a more attractive and fixed salary, as well as paid holidays;
  • certain fees waived;
  • the possibility of offloading the administrative and accounting aspect by subcontracting the management;
  • the lifters remain entirely autonomous in the management of their missions.

Nevertheless, as stated in the official administrative information site for companies, employees must hold a level 5 qualification (i.e. Bac +2) or have at least 3 years of professional experience in the same sector of activity.

The ported status allows you to earn more

In addition to benefiting from full social security coverage, wage portage also has a strong impact on remuneration.

In the current context, the economic situation of many companies is pushing business leaders to seek labor or resources from shorter contracts such as fixed-term contracts, temporary contracts or self-employed workers. Hiring is much more expensive and restrictive in certain cases. Service providers, such as consultants for example, are particularly in demand. This increase in the employability of hired workers inevitably has a positive impact on turnover.

This increase in salary is largely explained by the various charges levied on the turnover which are distributed differently.

  • A freelance worker must take into account social charges but also off-peak periods between assignments, time spent not billed canvassing new clients, time necessary and not billable for administrative and financial management, etc.
  • A supported employee can remain focused on his missions and their implementation. The employers’ and social charges incumbent on them are lower than those of microentrepreneurs, for example.

Microentrepreneurs must pay a global contribution, while the employee portage model compartmentalizes these charges so that they benefit the worker more concretely (retirement, illness, family allowances, etc.). In the long term, the average daily rate proves to be more competitive for the lifter for an equivalent target salary.

Difficult in a few words to tell you in more detail about the remuneration. However, to find out more, we recommend that you carry out a wage portage simulation to obtain figures that are more in line with your own objectives.

In addition, the advice of the portage company also makes it possible to increase invoicing and to raise the hourly rate. Many independents still offer prices below the market or too often negotiated. Alongside specialists, as a freelancer you will be able to affirm the value of your work and increase your turnover!

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