(Finance) – The SACE Group it is close to all the families affected by the flood damage and is already today ready to support all the businesses of Emilia-Romagna and Marche with concrete initiatives.
In summary, the over 1,800 companies that are already customers of the Group can count on postponements and moratoriums on the payment of premiums, in addition to free extensions of the terms of insurance and factoring coverage by all companies in the Group. For all companies in the areas affected by the flood, in addition to the free preliminary opinions and assessments of Italian and foreign counterparties, financial products will be available, with privileged access, to support the production chains, guaranteeing extensions in favor of the leading debtor company in the area and the advance on orders to allow the restoration of orders and the resumption of activity.
Furthermore, the people of the SACE Group have already started fundraising through the donation of working days, which will be doubled by the company, destined for the Territorial Security and Civil Protection Agency of the Regions involved. More information on the website www.sace.it on the page dedicated to the flood emergency or on the toll-free number 800.269.264.