The S proposal strikes against the English school

The S proposal strikes against the English school

Updated 16.28 | Published 16.25




full screen Magdalena Andersson (S). Photo: Lotte Fernvall

The Social Democrats want schools to teach in Swedish to a greater extent.

The proposal would strike against groups such as the International English School.

– Research shows that it is easiest to learn when you are taught in your mother tongue, says Magdalena Andersson (S).

The S proposal is about raising the minimum level of Swedish in primary school. Today, the requirement is that half of the teaching takes place in Swedish, S wants it to be 75 percent in the future. The party also wants to scrap an exception that was introduced by the Alliance government and which means that schools that teach in English do not have to hire qualified teachers.

Today, those schools can indefinitely employ foreign teachers without a Swedish teaching license.

Which schools would be allowed to change their teaching if this proposal becomes a reality?

– These are the schools that have a higher proportion of their teaching in English. There, instead, you need to switch to Swedish and also have qualified teachers, says Magdalena Andersson.


full screen Photo: Marko Säävälä/TT / TT News Agency

Saw SD’s school policy

Can you give some examples of such schools?

– There is a large school group, the International English School, which would be affected by this. There it would be necessary to ensure that the teachers are qualified and have a higher proportion of the teaching in Swedish.

Magdalena Andersson adds that the proposal does not aim to stop the English School’s teaching model. The aim is to strengthen Swedish in school, which in turn is important for keeping society together, says S.

Yesterday, the Sweden Democrats launched a new school policy. What do you say about their proposal?

– I didn’t hear anything that was new right away, more than that they suddenly started talking about the school. But I can state that the consequences of the policy pursued by the Sweden Democrats and the government are that schools around the country have to cut back, lay off student assistants, have larger classes and have major financial problems, says Magdalena Andersson.

The S proposal on the school should not affect the national minority languages. On the contrary, S wants them to be protected.
