The S proposal: Shorten working hours to 35 hours a week

During the spring and summer, Annika Strandhäll (S) has led a working group tasked with developing a new labor market policy for the Social Democrats, and at a press conference on Friday she is expected to present what the group has come up with.

According to information to SVT, one of the proposals will be for the Social Democrats to push for working hours to be shortened from 40 to 35 hours a week. According to the working group, the Social Democrats should work for the Riksdag to legislate on a general shortening of working hours that should apply to all industries.

Annika Strandhäll’s working group is one of eleven groups that have worked during the year to develop proposals for new policies ahead of the 2026 election. The proposals presented on Friday should not be considered the party’s finished policy, but a basis for the party’s congress next year.

Hear more about what the other parliamentary parties and the labor market parties think about shorter working hours in the video.
