The Russian drone attack damaged 40,000 tons of grain in the port of Izmajil – the Romanian president calls it a war crime

The Russian drone attack damaged 40000 tons of grain in

France says that Russia is only pursuing its own interests at the expense of the most vulnerable nations.

40,000 tons of grain have been damaged in the Russian drone attack on the Ukrainian port of Izmajil, said the minister responsible for infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov on Twitter.

According to Kubrakov, the Russians attacked warehouses and grain lifting equipment.

The port of Izmajil is located in southern Ukraine, in the Odessa region, along the Danube. It is close to the border with Romania, a member of the military alliance NATO. Izmaj is an extremely important export route for Ukrainian agricultural products passing through Romania.

Last month, Russia withdrew from the Black Sea grain agreement that enabled Ukraine to export grain. The agreement allowed Ukraine to export grain through Black Sea ports.

President of Romania Klaus Iohannis called the attack unacceptable.

– These are war crimes and they affect the ability to export food to those who need it, Iohannis wrote on social media, referring to Ukraine’s ability.

The French Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Russia is deliberately endangering the world’s food security by destroying infrastructure important for grain exports. According to the ministry, Russia only pursues its own interests at the expense of the nations in the most vulnerable position.

Erdogan emphasized to Putin the importance of the grain agreement

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged the Russian president in a telephone conversation Vladimir Putin not to take actions that increase tensions.

According to the president’s office, Erdogan emphasized the importance of the Black Sea grain agreement. The office also reported that Putin plans to visit Turkey.

The Kremlin, on the other hand, says that during the call, Putin asked Erdogan to help Russia export Russian grain to African countries that are prone to food shortages.

Kiev was attacked from several directions

Russia also struck Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, with more than a dozen drones, Ukrainian officials said Wednesday morning. The head of the city’s military administration Serhi Popko according to that, the drones arrived from several directions at the same time, but the air force destroyed them.

Popko said that Russia had used Iranian-made Shahed aircraft.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitshko said earlier that no one was killed or injured in the attack.
