“The Russian army has changed tactics,” explained Zelensky: They are trying to extract the bodies of the murdered Ukrainians

The Russian army has changed tactics explained Zelensky They are

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy made a statement as Russia enters the 43rd day of its attacks on his country. Expressing that everyone should support either the war or the massacres while addressing the world, Zelenskiy said, “It seems that the attitude towards Russia is changing in the world. Especially after what he saw in Bucha after the departure of Russian troops,” he said.


Zelenskiy, who continues to accuse Russia of the images of the mass killing of civilians by torture in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, and argues that Russia is trying to destroy the evidence, said, “It seems that the Russian leadership also appeared in other cities seen in Bucha and where we will remove Russian troops. He was really afraid that the world reaction would be repeated because of the possibility of We have information that the Russian army changed tactics and tried to get the killed from the streets and basements of the occupied territories. He killed the Ukrainians. This is just an attempt to hide evidence, nothing more. But they will not succeed because they killed too many. Responsibility cannot be avoided. We already know thousands of missing people. The current situation is that through an objective investigation, through witnesses, through satellite surveillance, through other tools that help uncover the truth, we will find out the situation of many of our missing citizens. If the world started a discussion about whether it is acceptable to call what the Russian army did on Ukrainian soil as genocide, the search for truth can no longer be stopped,” he said, adding that the Russian side can only minimize these losses by withdrawing from Ukraine.


In his statement, Zelenskiy said, “Now a simple stance will be taken against Russia. Either you support the pursuit of peace or you support these unlawful massacres. Ukrainians and Ukrainian women killed in Bucha, Irpin and other cities where Russian troops entered are proof. Is every citizen of Russia from war or peace? Now it’s better to demand peace, somehow clash with the Russian printing press, than to be equated with the Nazis for the rest of your life. This is not just for any public official in the Russian Federation, not just businessmen, “It also applies to ordinary citizens. Nazism has no future. Mass murder has no future. There is no future for anyone in Russia who does not demand the end of this shameful war and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.”



Reminding that new sanctions have been brought against Russia by western countries today, Zelenskiy said, “Today, Western countries announced a new package of sanctions against the Russian Federation. Restrictions are placed on some financial systems and investments in Russia. We will continue to insist on the complete isolation of the Russian financial system from the international financial system. We will continue to insist on many reasons why the democratic world does not accept Russian oil. Oil exports are one of the foundations of Russia’s aggression. Some politicians still cannot decide how to limit the flow of Petro-dollar and oil-euro to Russia so as not to endanger their own economy. But that’s why people go into politics to solve these kinds of problems, hard jobs. Solve them quickly and fundamentally. If they can’t figure it out, it’s not worth it for them to do politics. “The embargo on Russian oil supplies will continue to be enforced,” he said. Zelenskiy, who said that he addressed the Irish Parliament today and will address the Greek and Greek Cypriot parliaments tomorrow, said that he talked about the attacks against civilians in Ukraine by the Russian army in the Irish parliament. (UAV)
