the ruling party has invested its candidates in the 2022 legislative elections

the ruling party has invested its candidates in the 2022

The Congolese Labor Party (PCT) of President Denis Sassou Nguesso invested its candidates this week in view of the legislative elections next summer, the date of which has yet to be determined. They are 114 incumbents and as many alternates to represent the ruling party. But the names chosen are not suitable for everyone. Those whose applications have been rejected express their frustration.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

This list which is not unanimous is not exhaustive, it will be supplemented by additional names, specified the General Secretariat of the PCT.

The choice of those who will defend our political formation in the next legislative elections did not take into account the opinions expressed by the base. This choice is far from satisfying everyone “, Challenges a PCT executive who requested anonymity. ” At 90%, we renewed the same “, he adds.

Normally we don’t change a winning team », Replies for his part another executive who defends those who have been retained.

On the list is the President of the National Assembly, Isidore Mvouba. In his constituency of Kindamba in Pool, elections were not organized in 2017 due to socio-political unrest after the presidential election.

Prime Minister Anatole Collinet Makosso and Mayor of Pointe-Noire Jean-François Kando will defend the colors of the former single party in the economic capital. And the Minister of Security Raymond Mboulou, will be in the sets.

Recall that the PCT has controlled the lower house of Parliament since 2002.
