A more prolonged recession than expected means that the government and the Swedish Democrats are now presenting several investments to stimulate the economy.
Most of the package is about raising the root deduction from 30 to 50 percent. An increase that will apply to renovations paid from May 12 2025. In total, it is estimated to cost SEK 4.35 billion.
– In addition to stimulating the economy, this is a targeted effort to support the construction industry, which has had it extra tough during the business cycle, says Magnus Persson (SD), chairman of the Labor Market Committee.
More summer jobs
The government also presents investments in increasing housing and roads, and creating more jobs. Among other things, road maintenance will be increased by SEK 500 million, and more young people get summer jobs.
The investments presented during Friday correspond to SEK 5.8 billion. This is about half the space in the spring change budget.
– Although we see the light in the tunnel, the economy will need to be supported, says Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M).
The spring change budget is presented in its entirety on April 15.