The Robinson participant was stopped by TV4 – trying to smuggle things to the island

This year’s season of Robinson has engaged viewers to the max.

During the course of the season, the intrigues and fights have been dense and many strong characters have fallen out. Therese Tang finally chose to leave the island after receiving the entire group.

Another who was at the center of the events was Tove Dalsryd who happened to be in the hood with both Pelle Lilja, Charlie Wiberg and Karolina Tilander.

It all ended with an island council where Tove sat on a secret immunity that she chose not to use. The other participants then chose to cast their votes for her and she went out.

Tove dalsryd. Image source: TV4

When it comes to Karolina Tilander, social media has boiled over her dialect in Robinson. Many believe that Karolina speaks “local slang” when she is Swedish.

One of those who commented on the whole thing is Philip Dikmen. IN a video on his YouTube channel, he and his two friends listed Sweden’s worst influencers – and Tilander was on the list.

– She is a Swedish girl who previously spoke Swedish and had a normal Swedish accent. In a video two years ago, she spoke “nice normal Swedish”. Now she talks like this, says Filip as he imitates her accent.

When Karolina visited Karl Lavender who runs the YouTube channel Reallokal, Tilander told more about the reactions she has received to her breakup.

– I have five Swedish friends. The rest are scraps. I think you hear what you want to hear. I think it’s like this, every new Swede I meet reacts. But when I’m among people, the usual people I spend time with, no one reacts, she said then.

Robinson participants tried to smuggle things to the island

Another participant that has received a lot of attention is Ken Gacamugani. During the week, he guested on the podcast “Högt i tak” where he shared a number of different secrets about the island. Among other things, that a participant tried to smuggle things to the island.

Els-Marie works as a designer. She had tried to sew things into the clothes, says Ken.

Els-Marie tried to sew things into her clothes. But that horse did not trot. Image source: TV4

– No, but you’re joking. Did she succeed?, asked Rosanna Charles.

– No, the production found the things. After all, they check us so extremely carefully so that you shouldn’t have any comforts with you in addition to your personal things. So she was stopped, so they took the things, he says.
