the RN withdraws its support for one of its candidates for an anti-Semitic tweet

the RN withdraws its support for one of its candidates

Ten days before the first round of legislative elections in France, the National Rally withdrew its support for one of its candidates after the excavation of a tweet anti-Semitic published six years ago. Too late to withdraw the party nomination from him, but the RN promises that he will be summoned with a view to his exclusion. At each election, the flame party is confronted with the sulphurous past of its candidates. On Wednesday, Jordan Bardella admitted a certain unpreparedness.

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At the end of April, it was for racist remarks that the National Rally had to part ways with a Mahorais expected to join its list for the Europeans. One election later, a new thorn in the side with this Breton executive, Joseph Martin, who is running to the legislative elections with the party label in Morbihan, reports Pierrick Bonno from the RFI political department.

The newspaper Release released a clearly anti-Semitic publication signed by him in 2018. Visiting the aisles of the Eurosatory security and defense fair on Wednesday June 19, party boss Jordan Bardella pleaded for haste.

“You know that the investitures were made by dozens and hundreds in a few hours throughout France. And what must be judged, I believe, is the capacity of a political movement to react to behavior or comments which are sometimes contrary to its political line. said the president of the RN.

Already invested during the 2022 legislative elections

Except that Joseph Martin had already been invested by the RN in the 2022 legislative elections, organized under normal conditions. And above all, this argument undermines the idea according to which the National Rally was ready in the event of dissolution.

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For weeks, well before the announcement of the dissolution, party executives had been affirming that a “Matignon plan” was in the works with the stated objective of winning possible early legislative elections to force Emmanuel Macron to appoint Jordan Bardella as president. post of Prime Minister. But obviously, the National Rally had not sufficiently anticipated the consequences of the dissolution it demanded.
