the RN “will support” candidates “from the Republicans”, assures Bardella – L’Express

Gerald Darmanin Alexandre Bompard and an absentee… Edouard Philippe his

Emmanuel Macron must hold a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, two days after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the calling of early legislative elections, for which the RN calls for a “rally”, targeting in particular LR , and the left to the “popular front”, with joint candidacies in each constituency.

Information to remember

⇒ Edouard Philippe wants to expand the majority around the “central block”

⇒ A “new popular front” on the left

⇒ Gluscksmann evokes the Laurent Berger hypothesis

The RN “will support” candidates “from the Republicans”

The National Rally “will support” candidates “from the Republicans,” assures Jordan Bardella.

Edouard Philippe wants to expand the majority around the “central block”

Édouard Philippe called on Tuesday for the construction of a “new majority”, which must “open up” to “all the political forces of the central bloc”, because “no political party alone is able” to govern “meet the challenges of the French”. With the dissolution, “there is an effect of surprise, obviously”, declared the former Prime Minister, ally of Emmanuel Macron, on RTL. “The causes and motivations of the President of the Republic (…) we must ask him the question, they belong to him. At the end of the day, giving the French a voice again is never a bad idea,” said added the president of Horizons.

READ ALSO: Will Edouard Philippe survive the dissolution (and Macron)? “Now the punching bag responds”

Edouard Philippe called for “building a new majority”. Starting “from the simple principle that no political party alone is able to implement something that meets the challenges of the French”. “So we have to be open. Accept that on a certain number of points, we can work with others,” he insisted again.

The Lepenist camp seeks unity

The Lepenist camp, with its new status as favorite after its triumph in the Europeans, on the other hand exposed itself to try to build the “rally” around Jordan Bardella, who has the vocation to become Prime Minister in the event of success, assured Monday Marine Le Pen during an interview on 8 p.m. on TF1 – declining the position for herself.

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“We have a historic chance to allow the national camp to put France back on track,” said the three-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, saying she was “of course capable” of not presenting a candidate against LR candidates with which an agreement would have been reached. “This is what we are working on but with political points on which everyone agrees. […] I think that with a large number of elected officials, we are,” she continued, referring to “a project based on two major projects, the defense of purchasing power and the recovery of the economy and the fight against insecurity and immigration.

The three-time unsuccessful candidate in the presidential election received her niece Marion Maréchal, head of the Zemmourist Reconquest list, in the afternoon. “I also met a certain number of other officials to be able to build this majority,” she assured, considering that “this is what the French expect of us.” Marion Maréchal, for her part, indicated that she was going to speak on Tuesday with Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the boss of Debout la France.

A new popular front on the left

On the left, the cards were reshuffled Monday evening: PS, EELV, PCF and LFI called for “the constitution of a popular front” and indicated they wanted to “support unique candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections, in a press release also signed by Place publique and Générations. They again called to “join the processions” planned for this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires and to “demonstrate widely”.

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The announcement was made then a few hundred young demonstrators, coming from a rally against the far right at Place de la République, were arriving under the windows of the Parisian HQ of the Ecologists where the various left-wing leaders had met in the ‘afternoon. “We did it, we managed to reach an agreement!”, launched the boss of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, to the activists who sang “Find an agreement!”.

Gluscksmann discusses the Laurent Berger hypothesis

A few hours earlier, on France 2, Raphaël Glucksmann had repeated his firm line against Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France insoumise. Above all, he proposed that in the event of a victory for the left, the name of the former general secretary of the CFDT Laurent Berger would be proposed for the post of Prime Minister – an idea which has not yet been taken up by other left-wing parties.

Crowned with his 13.83% of votes obtained on Sunday, Mr. Glucksmann ruled out becoming head of government himself. But the one who headed the list supported by the PS, arriving first on the left in the European elections, warned: “It will clearly not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon” either, advocating “not to remake the Nupes”.

Rallies against the far right in France

Thousands of people gathered Monday evening in several cities in France to express their opposition to the far right which, they denounce, finds itself “at the gates of power”, after its surge in the polls the day before and the announcement of a dissolution of the National Assembly.

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Place de la République in Paris, several thousand people according to an AFP journalist – 3,000 according to the police headquarters -, including many young people, gathered from 8:00 p.m., shouting, middle fingers raised: “Youth fuck the National Front” (ancestor party of the National Rally, RN) or even “Everyone hates Marine Le Pen”.
