the RN turns around and says it is for the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution

the RN turns around and says it is for the

The Rassemblement national in turn enters into the debate on the constitutionalization of the right to abortion in France. While Marine Le Pen said she was opposed a few days ago to any inclusion of voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) in the Constitution, the leader of the far right in the Assembly finally tabled an amendment to include the Veil law in the supreme text. A change of gear that looks like a new political coup.

The deputies of the National Rally (RN) do not rush to comment on the latest surprise out of Marine Le Pen’s hat: through an amendment to a text of the Insoumis, the leader of the group proposes to include in the constitution the Veil lawwho however, is debated in his political family.

RN spokesman Laurent Jacobelli attempts an explanation:

You know, we read the texts, we work on them, we try to think about the situation and how we can improve things. The text proposed by France Insoumise is a bit short, for example there is no time limit. For example, would abortion after eight months be possible?

The blow is double for Marine Le Pen: she takes a stand for the right to abortion while seeking to engrave in stone the provisions currently in force to be able to use it. A fool’s game, according to the chairman of the Law Commission and member of the Renaissance presidential party, Sacha Houlié:

It is an attempt to hide what is the real position of the National Rally. I find that there is great hypocrisy, because the RN is opposed to abortion, they even proposed its repeal. So you see what the position of the RN is, it is a party which is against women’s rights, which is anchored in this position and which today is trying to redeem a virginity.

But this RN proposal may never be discussed. More than 230 amendments were tabled on the sidelines of the France Insoumise proposal examined on Thursday.

Read also : Abortion: a fragile and contested right in many parts of the world
