the RN “ready to govern”, the left in search of union – L’Express

the RN ready to govern the left in search of

A decision that catches everyone off guard. Emmanuel Macron announced on Sunday evening the dissolution of the National Assembly after the overwhelming victory of the far right in the European elections. The next legislative elections are due to be held on June 30 and July 7. Each political camp must now put themselves in battle order to launch their campaign, which will therefore only last three short weeks.

The RN says it is “ready” to govern

Marine Le Pen affirmed this Sunday evening that the National Rally was “ready to exercise power” following the legislative elections called for June 30 and July 7 following the dissolution of the National Assembly.

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“We are ready to exercise power if the French trust us during these future legislative elections. We are ready to restore the country, ready to defend the interests of the French, ready to put an end to this mass immigration, ready to purchasing power of the French a priority, ready to begin the reindustrialization of the country”, insisted the far-right leader, on the evening of the overwhelming victory of the RN in the European elections.

The National Rally “will fight to have a majority” and for Jordan Bardella to “arrive at Matignon” at the end of the legislative elections, assured this Sunday Louis Aliot, vice-president of the far-right party which came well ahead of the vote. European elections. Emmanuel Macron “had no choice” in announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly, he said, because “he could not continue to govern France with a majority of the people against him”.

The left will meet “in the coming hours”

Marie Toussaint (EELV), the head of the Green list in the European elections, announced this Sunday that discussions would be held “most certainly in the coming hours” with other left-wing forces.

Same story with Fabien Roussel, boss of the communists, who this Sunday called on the left-wing parties to work on a “pact for France” for the legislative elections in June after the dissolution of the National Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron. “I appeal to my friends, let’s see each other quickly, let’s work together on a pact for France by putting social policies, salaries, purchasing power, distribution of wealth”, on the table, declared the boss of one of the formations of the left-wing Nupes alliance, set up after the 2022 legislative elections and which exploded in the fall.

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The dissolution of the National Assembly was “demanded by Jordan Bardella” and “will remain a stain on Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, one more”, judged the leader of the PS-Place publique list Raphaël Glusckmann on TF1 on Sunday. “The presidential majority and the President of the Republic himself have proven themselves completely incapable – and this evening’s decision has just shown it again – to face their historic responsibility”, according to Raphaël Glucksmann for whom “this game is extremely dangerous.

La France insoumise (LFI) “does not fear the people”, finally proclaimed the founder of the movement Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Since there is an election, (this is the opportunity) to reaffirm very loudly and very loudly that when we are rebellious, we do not fear the people. It is the opposite,” he said. -he declared, speaking in front of activists at LFI HQ in Paris.

The majority leaves to “win”

The presidential camp is determined to “win” the early legislative elections called by Emmanuel Macron after the victory of the far right in the European elections, the head of state’s entourage told the press on Sunday evening. “We are going there to win,” said an advisor, stressing that Sunday’s European vote was marked by “strong abstention”. “We never make a mistake in giving the people a voice,” he added, assuring that this “risk-taking” was part of the Macronist “DNA”.

François Bayrou, the president of Modem, for his part, welcomed this Sunday a “risk-taking” by Emmanuel Macron who took the “courageous decision” to dissolve the National Assembly to “get the country out of the doldrums”, after the victory of the RN in the Europeans. “The President of the Republic takes his responsibilities. This does not happen often in the history of our country. He takes his responsibilities and he says to the French: I give you the choice for the future,” said the head of one of the majority parties.

“The only solution”, say the Republicans

The decision of the President of the Republic to dissolve the National Assembly was “the only solution” after the results of the European elections on Sunday, said this Sunday the boss of the Les Républicains party, Eric Ciotti.

Eric Ciotti specified that LR, which arrived on Sunday in fifth position with around 7% of the votes, would go alone under its “colors” to the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, “without any form of coalition, cooperation, collaboration with this power which has so damaged France”.
