the RN and Marine Le Pen wake up in the home stretch

the RN and Marine Le Pen wake up in the

D-5 before the first round of legislative elections in France. According to the polls, Emmanuel Macron’s camp is at the top of the voting intentions, followed by Nupes, the union of the left. A place of challenger envied by Marine Le Pen who is struggling to recover her status as the first opponent of the re-elected president. The boss of the National Rally has therefore accelerated the pace and increased her ambitions in the Assembly, but it may already be too late.

For a month, Marine Le Pen has been hesitating, she has changed her objective three times for these legislative elections: a group of 15 deputies then around sixty elected officials and finally 150 deputies in recent days. ” Not only go vote, but give me 100 to 150 deputies. help me help you “, launched the finalist of the presidential election, Sunday, June 5 in Hénin-Beaumont.

These reversals reflect the funny tempo of the RN in this campaign. The former presidential candidate started late after two weeks of vacation, with a very modest starting ambition, as if groggy by her nine months of campaigning, as if she herself was already giving up.

The RN competed with the Nupes

Marine Le Pen has changed gear, perhaps too late, explains Julien Chavanne, political service. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his ambition to put his boxes in Matignon thanks to the Nupes have saturated the news. The boss of the RN tried to surf on the incidents of the Stade de France, but without echo in the opinion polls.

She dreamed of transforming the legislative elections into the third round, but struggled to be heard. The entourage of Marine Le Pen is reassured with a hope: the rise of the union of the left could serve as a scarecrow and finally mobilize its voters.

►Also read: Politics, the choice of the week – Legislative: Marine Le Pen passes her turn?
