The rivals in shock after the video of Armand Duplantis – everyone now says the same thing: “Shows that he is the king”

The video on Armand Duplantis just made everyone’s jaws drop.
So are his rivals.
– It is inspiring, says the Norwegian Pål Haugen Lillefosse.

Armand Duplantis is the greatest pole vaulter of all time, and he single-handedly pushed the boundaries of what was previously possible in the sport. Currently, his world record stands at 6.23, and he is also the reigning champion in the Diamond League, WC and Olympics.

Rivals’ shock over the video

Armand Duplantis has only done one competition this year’s season, but even before that, during his “time off”, he made the pole vaulting world widen his eyes with an unlikely video from training. It’s not common for pole vaulters to jump even nearly as high in practice as they do in competition, but in December Mondo released a video from practice in which he seemingly breezed over six meters, something of a minor sensation when it comes to training jump.

230903 Armand Duplantis of Sweden competes in men’s pole vault during the Finnkampen Athletics Gala on September 3, 2023 in Stockholm. Photo: Maxim Thore / BILDBYRÅN / code MT / MT0460

The video was widely circulated in Sweden and around the athletics world, and even Duplanti’s rivals took note of the video, and reacted strongly to it.

– I find it inspiring. I try to learn as much from what he does and how he jumps to improve myself. Because you see this, says the Norwegian Pål Haugen Lillefosse to Expressen, and continues:

– He is better than all the rest of us.

“It’s inspiring”

Kurtis Marschall, who won WC bronze last year, believes that Duplantis likes to “show that he is the king”.

– And for me that’s just inspiring. For a while, during the Sergej Bubka and Renaud Lavillenie era, it was thought that 6.16 was the ceiling. Then comes Mondo and shows that it is possible to do so much more. It’s awesome, he says.

Photo: Instagram

How high the jump actually was is a bit unclear, but Duplantis probably thinks it was around six meters high, and if it hadn’t been, the clip would never have reached the internet.

– It’s just a training video, I didn’t think much more than that about it. Above all, I probably just thought the video was cool, he says.

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Armand Duplanti’s incredibly honest words about Daniel Ståhl – after what happened at the Sports Gala: “It’s always like that with Daniel”

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