Regular scanning tests are very important to prevent colon cancer. Dr. War, “Healthy everyone over the age of 45, hidden blood tests in feces and colonoscopy every 10 years is recommended. With these methods, cancer can be detected and treated in early stages. Colon canceris a disease that can be completely treated with early diagnosis. Remember, you can prevent colon cancer with a healthy lifestyle and regular scanning tests. Do not forget to take these steps for your health, “he said.
“It is in the second place among cancers that cause death”
Prof. Dr. Dr. War, “colonoscopy and hidden blood tests in the stool can be diagnosed and treated with regular tests, such as regular tests. Fiber vegetable foods, fish and low red meat consumption can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Preventing obesity and maintaining healthy weight is also important. Colon, the digestive system is the last part of the digestive system and the body is also stored. It helps to produce some important vitamins by referring to the digested carbohydrates. It can be prevented, the colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the Western world.
“Pay attention to bowel movements”
Prof. Dr. War, the symptoms that can be seen in colon cancer, “Change of intestinal habits (constipation, diarrhea, thinning of stools), blood in the stool, abdominal pain or rectal pain, unexplained weight loss, continuous fatigue and weakness, anemia,” he said.
“Risk increases in individuals aged 50 and over”
Prof. Dr. War, “Age: Risk increases in individuals aged 50 years and over. Family story: Risk is higher in those with colon cancer history. Nutritional habits: High amount of red meat and processed food consumption, low -fiber nutrition increases. Obesity: to be overweight and inactivity lifestyle increases the risk of colon cancer. Diseases such as disease or ulcerative colitis can increase the risk, “he said.
What should be done to protect against colon cancer?
He made suggestions to prevent colon cancer. Dr. War, “colonoscopy and secret blood test in stools with regular tests colon cancer can be diagnosed and treated early. Fibrous herbal foods, fish and low red meat consumption can reduce the risk of colon cancer. In addition, smoked, salted and high temperature cooked foods should be avoided. Cigarette and alcohol use should be limited. It can reduce the risk of colon cancer and can reduce the risk of vitamin D, “he said.