The Riksdag received 700,000 – stated address without toilet

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The reason is that he has stated that he lives more than 50 km from the Riksdag and thus is entitled to an overnight home.

Hellman is written on a cottage in Vänersborg. But according to SVT, the cottage has broken windows, holes in the wall and since 2019, the municipality has rejected the drain and banned it from being used. Thus, he can not use the toilet, dishes or shower in the house.

Hellman says he lives in the house 20 to 30 percent of the year. He has an outdoor toilet, and he uses the toilet in the neighbor’s barn, he says.

– I only sleep there sometimes, so I do not wash dishes, he says.

However, staff working in the barn do not recognize the Member of Parliament.

One hour after Assignment review visited the house where Jörgen Hellman claims that he has lived for seven years, he changes his population registration address.
