The right to be forgotten comes into effect today, June 1, 2022

The right to be forgotten comes into effect today June

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    It’s finally official: the right to be forgotten, which goes from ten to five years, comes into force today, after a long fight led by the RoseUp association. The objective is to facilitate access to credit for people cured of cancer.

    After ten years of struggle, it is finally victory. As we reported to you in February, the right to be forgotten came into effect today, June 1, 2022.

    A victory for those cured of cancer

    Until now, a person who had been ill with cancer had the obligation to declare his pathology when applying for a mortgage. Its duration varied until now according to the age of the person: up to 21 years, the duration of five years applied and from 21 years, it was necessary to declare its illness until ten years later.

    From now on, the five-year period applies to everyone, both for patients with any cancer but also for people affected by hepatitis C.

    A major step forward

    Today, when a person has been affected by cancer, it can be difficult for them to access credit for a real estate project. Often the banks refuse the loan or add significant surcharges, which make the credit very expensive.

    With this right to be forgotten, the progress is major as underlined by the Ministry of Health: “This bill brings major advances for loan applicants in terms of borrower insurance in general and in the particular case of borrowers presenting an aggravated health risk..

    Consult an oncologist online

    More medical questionnaire

    The other advance correlated to this concerns the medical questionnaire. No more questionnaires of this type will be necessary for people who have been sick. From today, “the transmission to the insurer of any information relating to the state of health of the insured or of a health examination” is no longer compulsory for “loans for which the share insured per person is less than 200,000 euros and whose maturity occurs before the insured’s 60th birthday” stipulates the text of the law.

    Limits that the RoseUp association still wants to push back, by continuing the fight to further improve this new law.
