the RHDP and the FPI sign a partnership agreement, a first

the RHDP and the FPI sign a partnership agreement a

In Côte d’Ivoire, the ruling RHDP party and the opposition Front populaire ivoirien (FPI) party signed a partnership agreement in Abidjan on Tuesday 2 May in the afternoon: this text aims to break with cycles of violence, which have destabilized the country in the past. This is the first time that a political party in power has reached an agreement on democracy with an opposition party, after negotiations since January.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Bineta Diagne

This Partnership Agreement sounds like a code of conduct : the RHDP and the FPI are committed to respecting the principles of democracy and to carrying out awareness-raising actions on peace. They refrain from any words or actions likely to harm social cohesion.

It took months of discussions to reach this agreement, according to Ibrahim Cissé Bacongo, the executive secretary of the RHDP: “ I would like to pay tribute to them. President Affi N’Guessan but also President Ouattara, they knew how to wipe the slate clean. A lot of things that opposed them or could have opposed them. We see the agreement we have just signed as an instrument at the service of democracy and national reconciliation. »

The RHDP and the REIT may enter into agreements “ if necessary “, indicates this text, as explained by the president of the FPI Pascal Affi N’Guessan:

This agreement is obviously not a sharing of posts and cakes. But this partnership does not prohibit meeting where it seems necessary to us. By “necessary”, we mean for example town halls or regions where agreements will be necessary in order to block candidates who do not share our objective of national reconciliation, social cohesion and democracy. »

Pascal Affi N’Guessan, the leader of the FPI, explains the reasons for the agreement with the RHDP

These discussions will most certainly have the appearance of negotiations to assess, on each localitythe opportunity for an alliance between the two parties.
