the revelations about the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt accentuate the divisions

the revelations about the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt accentuate

According to new information revealed by Mediapart on Monday February 6, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, who is pinned down for suspicion of favoritism in the awarding of a public water contract when he was mayor of Annonay, in Ardèche, would have lied. The media has unveiled a new document which undermines its defense, weakening one of the main architects of pension reform and making it the target of opposition.

Weakened at the worst time: Olivier Dussopt may well be assured of the confidence of the Prime Minister, attacks come from all sides. In the opposition, it is considered that the minister is no longer in a position to support pension reform facing the deputies.

I believe he is weakened in the eyes of the French but it is already much so by the reform that he wearssaid MP LFI-Nupes Clémentine Autain. After that, in addition, there is this atmosphere of corruption with a water company, this creates a climate which is still a climate which is not good for the country. »

Same story on the side of the National Rally, where we find that a justice case that adds to a bad reform is a lot: “ That Mr. Macron and Élisabeth Borne take their responsibilities by having a bill that is already extremely weakened carried by someone who is even more so, I think that shows the weakness of Mr. Macron’s government today “, opines MP Alexandra Masson.

On the side of the majority, we are united. The weekly meeting of the Renaissance group in the Assembly on Tuesday was an opportunity for the deputies to reaffirm their support for him, the Minister of Labor was applauded for a long time.

Olivier Dussopt has the full confidence of the parliamentary majority and he is an excellent Minister of Laborsays Mathieu Lefèvre. And I prefer that those who hunt for men hunt for ideas. And we are sorely lacking in this debate. »

There is no doubt, however, that the subject will interfere again in the parliamentary debate which promises to be even more difficult than expected for the Minister of Labour.

LR deputies still divided despite an agreement with the government

While the reform is debated for the third day in the Assembly this Wednesday, the day before, the discussions have made little progress with still thousands of amendments to be examined by the end of next week. The government still has no certainty about the outcome of this debate: will it have the necessary majority to have its text adopted? THE positioning of the LRs will be decisive, but around twenty of them are still threatening not to vote for the text. Of the ” rebels which are increasingly disturbing internally.

In the Senate on Tuesday morning, Éric Ciotti is trying to put out the fire. ” We each suffer from individualities that we do not control “, recognizes the boss of the party in front of reassembled LR senators, “ exasperated even according to one of them. In their sights, Aurélien Pradié who leads the revolt internally against the pension reform.

Except that an agreement has been reached with the government and it must be respected, according to LR deputy Alexandre Vincendet: “ Negotiations were conducted, these negotiations were successful. From there, once we’ve come to an agreement, we have to be serious to the end, credible, consistent. »

Historical »

Deputy Pierre Cordier, for example, will not vote for the text as it stands. And too bad if it displeases: We are not at attention like France insubordinate or the National Rally. There has always been a debate in our political family, it is historic, and therefore this debate is taking place and I am delighted about it. »

But within the LR, voices are rising to demand sanctions against the slingers. For the moment, the boss of the group in the Assembly is content with calls for responsibility. But Olivier Marleix is ​​less and less comfortable when we talk to him about Aurélien Pradié: “ Aurélien has the right to speak. Then, maybe in the end, we can allow the adoption by a majority of the Republican deputies. »

For his part, Aurélien Pradié assumes. ” It’s still us who put long careers back in the debatesays one of his relatives. I think we are doing a service to our political family. And too bad, if we pass for leftovers. »
